I have a swimming pool
Bring Swim Life to Your City/Community
Refer a Swim Life Instructor for training
Organize 20 students ages 6 months and up, provide a pool, and have a Swim Life instructor come to your community
Provide a pool for a Swim Life instructor to use
Co-brand water safety and drowning prevention collateral
Provide a hyperlink to Swim Life’s website on your website
Follow Swim Life on social media, and share posts with your sphere of influence
Sponsor a child who cannot afford lessons
Provide financial assistance to someone who wants to train as an instructor
Invite Swim Life to partner with you at community events, etc…
Display Swim Life collateral in your location and/or provide to your employees
View Collateral Material.
Pool Owner Partnership
To take the next step to becoming a
Pool Owner Partner In Drowning Prevention
contact us below.