Lisa Brandenburg
Florence, KY
Lisa is the mother to eight wonderful amazing young adults, and a grandmother to one amazing granddaughter named Violet.
She is a full-time realtor with Huff in Northern Kentucky - for over 14 years and counting. She sees it as an amazing career that she absolutely loves and thoroughly enjoys.
Lisa has lived in Northern Kentucky for 19 years, but actually was raised in Southern California. Lisa doesn't have much free time, but if there is some, you'll find her starting Pinterest projects (that she never seems to finish), planting plants that never survive her as their mother, and being a foster fail for dogs and cats for any local shelter she gets within 5 miles of...
She's very excited for her future at Swim Life and loves working with children and their parents to make sure as many kids as possible are safe in the water!
Please Contact Lisa by completing the form below.