Ashley Pagnotti
Sumter, SC
I am a military spouse and a mom of three littles.
Being from the north, swimming was only something that was done during one of the four seasons. At the end of each summer, you traded your swim suit for a snowsuit and skis until the following year. Water safety was never a huge part of my upbringing simply because it was such a small part of our everyday life.
Upon moving to Florida, I met my husband and became a first time mom. It wasn’t until then that I realized the importance of water safety. I took every course imaginable to ensure I knew how to properly care for and protect my new baby. Shortly after her arrival we moved to Okinawa, Japan where I found Swim Life, Inc. I counted down the months until my daughter was a year old and she was able to participate in the program.
Upon completion of the program, I saw her confidence both in and out of the water grow. Not only was she comfortable in the water, but Swim Life provided her with something I believe every baby in the world should have: the ability to prevent drowning in the god forbid incident of an accident. I was so proud of my daughter for what she had accomplished at such a young age and so eager to learn more about how I too could be a part of drowning prevention.
Fast forward to a couple more babies (who also participated in Swim Life) I knew that I just needed to be a part of this. I felt so passionately about what they were doing, I was eager to pick apart their instructor’s brain. I wanted to know everything they knew about drowning prevention, but I couldn’t do that from the sidelines of lessons. I needed to be in the pool alongside these what I like to refer to now as “super heroes.”
I have been blessed to be a part of this community of people doing something that I love. My only regret is not starting sooner! Military life is so unpredictable. You go wherever you are needed. I am happy to be a part of something that is needed just about everywhere because all around the world, water safety education and Swim Life aquatic training is needed. I’m thrilled to be a part of this program and eager to help each and every student I am entrusted with, learn more about drowning prevention and aquatic safety.
Please Contact Ashley by completing the form below.